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Negative Reinforcement: when defined under the lens of Operant Conditioning, this occurs when a reinforcer that is undesirable is eliminated. It is not the same as Punishment because it increases the frequency of a behavior as opposed to decreasing a behavior.


Example: If I try to drive my car without putting on my seatbelt a really loud annoying beeping sound come from the dash. In order for me to stop that sound I have to put on my seatbelt. By removing the beeping sound (the negative reinforcer) it increases the behavior of putting on my seatbelt.




Nodes: Used in among Connectivists to describe learning communities. Learners connect to nodes to retrieve information and contribute information for other learners to use. Nodes are typically spoken of as online learning communities.


Example: I connect to to learn more about how best to take care of my Prius. is an online community where people join and learn from each other about the Toyota Prius.



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